Friday, June 24, 2016

Fundraising Completed!

Great news, the Dutch foundation Colour4Kids has rewarded MuralArte Guate a 1,100 Euro grant, which means the funding for the mega-mural in Chimachoy is DONE!
So the actual painting can get started! The wall has been plastered. Next week we’ll conduct more workshops about cultural identity and start painting the first few panels. The first designs are ready, paint has been ordered, now all we need is a bit of collaboration from Chak, the Maya god of rain.

Thanks so much, Colour4Kids as well as The Pollination Project, Uno MásFoundation and private sponsors Diane Morton, Tessa de Goede, Jan and Ineke de Smidt, Willem Meijnckens, Evert Jan Velzing and Rosan Breman. Not that MORE donations are not welcome, I already got a request from the teachers for money to fill up the sidewalk with cement (currently just dirt), to protect the mural when it rains. (And more walls are always looking for more sponsors!

Thank you all for your collaboration, more news is coming up!