Friday, January 22, 2016

Sponsor found!

A sponsor for the first mural at Brillo de Sol has been found! This cute girl with her rabbit, a student of Brillo de Sol (the girl, not the rabbit) and the institution’s loyal dog Luna will be up on the wall in a month or so (as soon as the check has cleared). More walls are looking for sponsors!
Thanks so much, Ilene Kradin for sponsoring this one!

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

New Mural Projects for 2016

And the quest continues!!!! There’re plenty of walls here in Guatemala waiting to be transformed from plain cement into an inspiring and uplifting environment.
For as little as $250 you can sponsor a classroom’s outer wall at the Educational Centre Brillo de Sol, painted by theme. Partial donations are welcome too!

Five murals to start the year at Brillo de Sol would be great, but I’m thinking even bigger. On my wish list for this year is the outer wall of the elementary school in Chimachoy, right at the entrance of this small Kaqchikel community and right across from the high school. The wall is badly in need of repairs and will need to be plastered first. It measures about 75 x 3 meters which is bigger than I’ve ever done. I plan to paint this one in close collaboration with students of both the elementary and secondary school. I have to work out the details, but it looks like this one is going to cost at least $ 2,000. Again, partial donations are welcome too!

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Walls Looking for Sponors

Brillo de Sol (San Gaspar) is one of my favourite projects in Antigua Guatemala. It’s a special school for special children. Many of the students come from extreme poverty and are excluded from regular education because of their physical disabilities or behavioural problems. Some of the students are in a wheelchair; others are blind or deaf, some have Aspergers Syndrome or are autistic. In Brillo de Sol, everybody is welcome and inclusion is key. The students are divided by age and each classroom has its own name such as “Universe”, “Ocean”, “Bees” or “Stars”. I’d love to paint some great murals in this school that won’t only transform the building, but are also educational. So… looking for sponsors! I hope to complete a series of 5 murals in the next few months. Each mural only costs $250. Partial donations are also very welcome!
Let’s colour the world!
For more information about the project:

Monday, January 11, 2016

MuralArte Antigua becomes MuralArte Guate

In April of 2015 Carin Steen founded the Mural Arte Antigua Project in order to bring sponsors and public walls in need of a lick of paint together. More than a dozen murals later, the latter part of the name doesn’t seem too appropriate anymore, since most murals were painted in rural communities, some very far away from Antigua Guatemala. Hence the name change in January of 2016, into MuralArte Guate.  Not that the project’s murals are restricted to Guatemala only (because three murals were painted in Honduras in 2015), but it just sounds better than MuralArte Central America. Hopefully there’ll soon be a need to change the name into MuralArte Global!