Friday, March 17, 2023

You can’t have enough colour on a wall!


MuralArte Guate

Blazing sun, tuc-tucs, school kids, roaring motorbikes, street vendors, debt collectors, drunkards, goats, housewives, workmen, more kids, fire truck, stray dogs in all shapes and sizes… To say the street leading to the Vista Hermosa neighbourhood is busy, is an understatement… This was community mural painting at its best, with children who gave a willing helping hand, lots of appreciative feedback from neighbours, drinks being offered and happy teachers at the school we were painting at.

MuralArte Guate

Little by little Vista Hermosa in Jocotenango, Guatemala, is being transformed from a dangerous and ugly barrio into a colourful, much cleaner and liveable community. Thanks to the UrbanHeART collective, an initiative from young people from this community, murals keep popping up. In November 2021 we painted a 12-meter-long mural at the public wash basin at the entrance of the neighbourhood. This year we continued the collaboration with Urban HeART with a workshop for a group of young painters and two murals, one at the side wall of the public wash basin, the other one at the wall of the kindergarten, along the street that leads into Vista Hermosa. The surface was a bit rough, but the dimensions nice and big (26 meter long!) and also very public. It was a pleasure to work with Denilson Larios and Gustavo Illescas of Urban HeART!

MuralArte Guate

This project (the two murals and the workshop) was sponsored by the Dutch Foundation Colour4Kids.

MuralArte Guate

MuralArte Guate

MuralArte Guate

MuralArte Guate

MuralArte Guate